I have been interested in the Willys MB since I purchased one covered in Lake Superior ice from Lake City Jeep in Duluth at the age of 16… I am currently restoring my third one, and taking my time to do it right.
Production Variations for Slatgrill
Here is my list of production variations for my slatgrill, Date of Delivery Feb 24, 1942
MB Bolt Survey
Various Pictures
My visit to the “Shed of Dreams” (circa 2001)
My visit to Sancerre, France to see French body production (circa 1989)
French blocks cast in late 1980s
Visit to Mike Stopforth in 2013
Visit to Atlantic Automotive in Kent, UK c.1989
Body I built using French panels in 1989
MB122368 Pictures
A friend who owns MB122368 has graciously agreed to allow me to post pictures of it for the benefit of all concerned…. This MB was made on the same day (2-24-42) as my MB122533 slatgrill, and should be of interest to others with glove box slatgrills. While there are a number of things not original, most are. Note the early top bow pivot with the A number marked along axis edge, the General Fire Truck fire ext bracket, original glove box lock, original top bows I think, original rear seat, etc. I think the front bumper of this MB might be a tad thicker (wider) than most repros. If you need the original camera resolution of any of these to zoom in on, feel free to email me and I can forward it to you. Some were taken by him, and some by me. Sorry for the few that are out of focus. It was dark.
I recently found what I think is a correct WWII ax. Can anybody identify the logo/trademark?
My MBs
My first MB, S/N MB 431405 (I still have the frame tag…) circa 1968.
My Dad traded it off on a lawn tractor when I went off to college….. snif snif…
If anyone in Minnesota has seen it, please let me know…
Second MB, S/N MB 227209, circa 1988, when it was just finished.
It was in an Air Force museam in Denver, it’s new owner was a WWII doctor who has since passed away (FE). When I delivered it to him in 1993 he still had his H700 key from the MB he drove in WWII/Ardennes on his keyring!
My thrid MB, a slatgrill DOD of Feb 24, 1942, all matching numbers,
14 years collecting parts… almost ready to put it together…. yippie!
(as my daughter would say, it going to be sooo sooo perfect!)